We are leveraging our unique technology platform to manufacture a broad range of synthetic DNA-based products, including synthetic genes, tools for NGS sample preparation, and antibody libraries for drug discovery and development. And the best thing is, theyre absolutely delicious no hormones or anything unnatural added. BP finances the medical schools. Firstly, theyre using whats called land-based aquaculture. For example, rather than . That DARPA reference is a bit secondhand, it comes from this quote, from a pandemic response researcher at Vanderbit who received DARPA funding: Twist is the only synthetic DNA provider who can deliver the quantity and quality of DNA we need for our projects rapidly. If you are IF for over a decade has it helped you or not? Imperium Stock: What is it, and should you invest in it? Access to the Green Zone Top 10 Weekly Hotlistarrived at using the Green Zone rating system. Imperium is the original teasers code name for the company called Twist Bioscience, ticker symbol TWST. This company is a subsidiary of another one, Diamond State Holdings Limited. of Tucson, AZ. You can wait for the split. Maybe theyre a supplier to those companies? I will not trade in any covered stock for at least three days, per Stock Gumshoes trading rules. Yet, the fruits of this incredible breakthrough have been unavailable to the masses until NOW. Yes, Im kidding about the DNA Friend endorsement. ZTM4ZTY2ZmQwMGM2MmQ4MjZhYjkyMzY2MGViNjlhNGNhOGRmYjVjMTNkNzNi What's "Imperium," Adam O'Dell's 'magical' All-time money machine Imperium is a technology that reads a person's DNA sequence. What is Imperium biotech? They have been well under a dollar many times over the years, though in part thats because theyve done three huge reverse splits to get out of penny stock land over the past 20 years or so. So any element in the silicon retrieval production train will be a good thing, and relatively easy to comprehendwhy the chip uses are booming & busting all over the vicissitudes of investing in evolving science!! OK, so thats just a quote from Illumina CEO Francis deSouza (yes, he did go to MIT though hes been a tech executive for 30 years since then), and the quote is now three years old. Adam believes that if the previous decade belonged to the the FAANG stocks, the next one will be dominated by biotech stocks such as the one that is working on DNA technology. Well anyway there is some really great insight in these message threads. And that brings down costs while increasing yield. When I first spotted this stock they were $1Theyre now over $3 and dont look like stopping. He is an experienced investment analyst who has formulated an investment strategy to take advantage of what he believes could be a massive revolution in the biotech sector. MGY2MDBmYzdiY2M3NzllYTljMmM3OGYwMjU1NzdiZWU1MjhhZWU2NjMzNjJm Hi Gang, everyone seems on cue here, subscribing to all these hot shot investment pros is just buying a magazine subscription. The testimonials from the customers were nothing less than inspiring! Our team calls on the principles of hard work, integrity, and ingenuity to build next generation computing at an industrial scale. M2IyMzFlNmEzNjMzYjM2NzJkNjYwOWJlZGViMGQxZDViMDI3ZTFmYTVmY2U4 I need to make serious Investments now I am 55 and I need to know the truth from the best and the people that are going to invest the big money is end of this technology. At this point I have to research by asking my geology minor daughter (a minor private rebate college tuition ) if the various mining spots for silicone on the earth offer better or lesser grades of silicon for various applications! NTg5OTQ4OTJkYmE3M2E3ZThjNTlmNWYwMTQ5ZTQ4M2E4ZTkwMmRkMTdmODcx The good news? Theyre no more than a small-cap stock right now. They have been well under a dollar many times over the years, though in part thats because theyve done three huge reverse splits to get out of penny stock land over the past 20 years or so. In ODells words: This breakthrough microchip means my No. In fact, their number one treatment is so revolutionary its attracted two Breakthrough Award grants from the Department of Defense totaling $15 million.. Theyre talking about adding additional tank farms, including their first large-scale farm in Ohio, and thats a step in the right direction but until we see what the numbers look like from that project, and whether theyre dramatically better than the production of their current farms (in Canada and Indiana), its hard for me to draw those lines out into the future and envision a point where the operating costs are lower than the sales. Might it even be a more general genomics company? Links to outside information and information share are welcome, soliciting is forbidden -- Stock Gumshoe cannot serve as an exchange for buying, selling or trading information beyond what you post in your comments for public view. OK, so thats just a quote from Illumina CEO Francis deSouza (yes, he did go to MIT though hes been a tech executive for 30 years since then), and the quote is now three years old. Its not exactly an easy business to scale right now, it costs them about $10 to provide $1 worth of salmon to their customers, and even though thats better than $20 a year ago, its not like growing a software business each salmon needs space to grow, and food and oversight, and the supply chain to deliver fish to customers is fairly pricey. Firstly, theyre using whats called land-based aquaculture. I cannot invest in company that promotes transhumanism, tampering with human DNA, and the development of synthetic antibodies. One more? It is a biotechnology company based in Massachusetts. He also says that the manufacturing sector will be altered as biological manufacturing becomes more prevalent. And I said Id take a look at those other stories as well shall we? Elon Musk says Imperium is " amazing. So you Invest In their research like I did, and they promise you the Ticker symbol but You would have to Invest at Least $2000.00 . These were reputedly the only very early 2 units of a tiny coal-fired steam, made of cast iron & OAK WOOD ore-hauling LOCOMOTIVES (the one remaining one was shipped from CA in boxes, then removed from those moth balls re-un-disassembled to be celebrated in a town fete last summer in Erie, PA! more details about the co. my lawyer-farmer investor paternal Grandfather bought-when things were really cheap, even adjusted for 19th. "IMPERIUM" - Money & Markets, LLC Imperium Pink Sheet today | USA Stocks:IPGGF - Macroaxis Because they use anincrediblyprofitable business model when done right. PS. This site and Stock Gumshoe publications and authors do not offer individual financial, investment, medical or other advice. So even if the long-haul COVID-19 trial doesnt work out, this company could still be a great investment.. We are working with them not only as a vendor for synthetic genes and antibodies, but have expanded our relationship to leverage the Biopharma capabilities, which we believe complement our antibody discovery efforts.. Do some DD.and join the ride. Thats not really true. Imperium Technology operates under Furnishings, Fixtures Appliances classification in the United States and is traded on OTC Exchange. Exploring the many applications of Imperium Technology, The Microchip Company Powering the 199,000% DNA Mega Trend, 3 Future DNA Titans Trading for as Little as $2 a Share, Experts are saying DNA technology will revolutionize the entire $8 trillion health care sector, revolution is going to create a lot of huge stock, Momentum Principle Millionaire Video Series. What is Imperium Technology? When I first spotted this stock they were $1Theyre now over $3 and dont look like stopping. Yes, nanowell technology is important for DNA sequencing machines, but all the modern ones seem to use some variety of that. "Because investing in "Imperium" now could be like getting into internet stocks in the early 1990s "Where rare and exceptional stocks like Intel shot up more than 8,000% in 10 years." So what's the story? [2022 Update]. Im talking about the royalties business. Those people are not all invested in the same company, of course, but those are references to DNA-related investments those bigwigs have made, particularly into companies that are synthesizing DNA like Peter Thiels backing of Synthego or Bill Gates bet on Ginkgo Bioworks (DNA). They use therapies based on DNA technology to help a patients immune system fight and eliminate disease on its own. 1 DNA company light-years ahead of the competition. Adam wants us to consider investing in the small-cap company that is at the forefront of this era-defining technology because he believes that you have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to invest with a very small stake. NGZmM2M1MDRjZGU3MDhhMDI3NzM4YzgyN2RlMWEwODJkNTQ2ZTU0NzYxODAw Along that line of survival investing is the worthiness of sand dredging mines , and also be a laudatory replay on the 49ers whose purchases of picks shovels & sieves made others reliably richer! Ive owned PBLY since the SPAC announcement and its been a nice double+. This machine contains a technology that will be the most transformative in history. I plan on having at least $10,000 invested this year. In fact, its the only known therapeutic against Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a disorder that robs our economy over $9 billion each year. The use of statistics is a reliable method of investing in this technology. So whats our little genetic engineering or synthetic DNA stock today? Thanks for the info. Let us know with a comment below. Ready to chase Imperium? Prefer larger and more established players like Illumina or Thermo Fisher, or are you ready to buy into the earlier stage Twist or the even-smaller startups that are coming up behind Twist? What do you get when you become a member? nickk. That DARPA reference is a bit secondhand, it comes from this quote, from a pandemic response researcher at Vanderbit who received DARPA funding: Twist is the only synthetic DNA provider who can deliver the quantity and quality of DNA we need for our projects rapidly. 1 DNA company makes is the first-choice hardware in the industry, In fact, they have A-list clients lining up to use their technology, Theyve already partnered with the Broad Institute, And even DARPA, the militarys advanced research division, who says this microchip puts my No. I wish all the gumshoes out there (who by the way are a bonus of knowledge and helpful advice) a HAPPY HEALTHY and prosperous new year, Thanks Travis , I saw a film of the Norwegian fish farms so aqua bounty sounds like a winner for pet food and maybe humans too. There has since been at least one other genetically altered animal approved by the FDA, the GalSafe pig developed by Revivicor, but the AquaAdvantage salmon was first. Correy (or Corey) PA where the Climax Locomotive was made; probably not far from where this commenters 3 greats Grandfathers bank was ! Imperium Wealth Management, registered in 2018, serves 4 state (s) with a licensed staff of 2 advisors. Its interesting that Zuckerburg is in for $429 million, almost exactly what he invested in the election of Joe Biden. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. That means they grow the salmon in filtered pools that simulate the wild environment so they dont even need a wild body of water! I have been retired since 2006 and I have been in the stock market since the early 1980s. No? Thx again for the Gumshoe page contributors clarifications! It's a technology I call "Imperium." Thank you And it's about to spark the biggest investment mega trend in history with one small Silicon Valley company at the center of it all. They use therapies based on DNA technology to help a patients immune system fight and eliminate disease on its own. EVGN, and like AIM and AQB, has dropped considerably. Adam ODell is pitching an Imperium machine and the world-changing returns that might come from and, as you might imagine, his favorite one small company that is the best investment play on those changes. Twist is also working, like a lot of other companies, to put their expertise and their data libraries to work in generating antibodies for specific purposes that can be developed into drugs by pharmaceutical and biotech companies, and that stands out a potential revenue driver, too, though its a small segment of business and presumably wont really bear any fruit for many years (their first partnered program is about to begin clinical trials, and if its successful about 10% are it will probably take about seven years to get to FDA approval, though the company might earn milestone payments from partners along the way). How can i invest in imperium? (2023) Learn how your comment data is processed. They have many other uses for their main drug. Kathy Woods has been promoting Invitae a lot latelyand I read Softbank bought some of their debt a couple weeks ago Theyre a $7B company which might be larger than you are looking for I think $GENE and $ADPT are both under 100mil in market cap. Id like to do some more work on it but would need to see more from the management team besides stuff like putting the word NFT on the tape to bask in a retail-driven pop. Ive left the comments from our original version of this article attached below, in case theyre still helpful. Ready to chase Imperium? Prefer larger and more established players like Illumina or Thermo Fisher, or are you ready to buy into the earlier stage Twist or the even-smaller startups that are coming up behind Twist? M2JjMGJlY2Y0YTA2NzU4YWU2MWZmZmVkMmY0NTJlNzFlY2U4NTczOGE4NDk1 IMPERIUM INVESTMENTS LLC is dedicated to the development of successful buying and selling solutions for real estate investors. Just to be clear, DNA sequencing machinesalready existed but they have been slow. Clues, please! ONTTF, Im giving an expensive pick to you free. To summarize, here is what we know about the company behind Imperium Technology: You can learn more about it by reading a dossier Adam wrote called The Next Intel: The Microchip Company Powering the 199,000% DNA Mega Trend. He thinks that it could spark the DNA sequencing trend that will lead to mass adoption. Additionally, we believe our platform will enable new opportunities including discovery partnerships for biologic drugs, and will enable new applications such as digital data storage in DNA.. Probably can rise a bit and be a short term money maker then fizzle out awaiting for a rebirth as was 3D Printing back about 12 years ago. So whats he peddling today? Thanks for your suggestions on fasting. You will also receive another special report called 3 Future DNA Titans Trading for as Little as $2 a Share. Theyre no more than a small-cap stock right now. One more? It has A-list clients lining up to use its microchip. Any other clues about this specific stock? Generated by Wordfence at Mon, 1 May 2023 20:48:42 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. Before this microchip was invented, DNA was manipulated using test tubes. He says that they already have partnerships with companies like Bayer, Dupont and Monsanto. We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience. I added a small amount of MYNZ. Adam ODell is pitching an Imperium machine and the world-changing returns that might come from and, as you might imagine, his favorite one small company that is the best investment play on those changes. To all my fellow friends that find ourselves in todays soup, I hope it also works for you. Check out: The True North Health Center https://www.healthpromoting.com/ OR, check out the presentation the Cardiologist, Dr. Pradip Jamnadas did for the Galen Foundation Fasting for Survival BNGO is a lot better than Twist, IMO. This company operates within the household products segment, the game publishing segment (computer games and mobile games), stainless steel furnishings, E-sports (streaming and marketing event and merchandise sales), property investment segment (investment properties) and the money-lending segment (money lending business). 1 small-cap stock to cash in on as Imperium soars nearly 200,000% in the next four years. Ark Genomic Revolution ETF (ARKG) . Silicon makes sense-no matter how used until artificially made This shows Adams ability to predict future growth. its my firm belief that the biggest company in the world will eventually be a DNA company. Y2ZlZDczMDliYjI3ZTgxNzgxYmE2MDVkYWM4MjY5MTZlYzc0NmFmZDI5MDVm Green Zone fortunes is an advisory service that comes to subscribers as a monthly newsletter through which Adam discusses new investment opportunities. Why not pay the mystical Mr. Gumshoe, and receive so much more for your money? Very intuitive. When you do extended fasting, you starve cancer cells and through autophagy, your body becomes more functional. By utilizing Imperium technology, scientists can now quickly identify genetic variants in an individual's DNA sequence, leading to a better . What the heck is wrong with that guy!! Imperium Stock: What is it, and should you invest in it? ". More from ODell, Ive found the No. It produces additives for concrete, sealants for. Its called Rad Diversified and it invests in bread and butter homes, rehabs in good areas , Multi family apartments, large and small rental units, commercial properties, properties in OZ zones, Tax sales, and farm land and and others. In fact, its the only known therapeutic against Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a disorder that robs our economy over $9 billion each year. 1/13/2021. Imperium Stock: What is it, and should you invest in it? Its top 10 holdings account for about 96% of the total portfolio. The best bet in this discussion that surprisingly gets no mention here is bionano BNGO. Well, youll want to pinch your nose a bit revenue growth has been strong, which is encouraging in a biotech world where revenue is often years in the future but with a $4 billion valuation, the stock is also trading at about 30X revenues and roughly 20X projected 2022 revenues (thats much better than the wild 50X multiple it carried near the peak in early 2021, but still very high by any historical context), and each dollar of revenue is costing them a little more than $2. (LOL-nom de plume). Love the article. Imperium Investments - Overview, News & Competitors - ZoomInfo Adam likes the model because it is low-risk.
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