If a Soldier faults on the first record throw, they will receive a raw score of 0.0 meters. Your time starts on the Go command, and your test timer calls out the time remaining every 30 seconds during the last two minutes of allowable time. On the command Go, the clock will start. On the command Go, the clock will start and you will begin pedaling at your own pace. Commanders will not initiate separation or bar to continued service of any Soldier prior to April 1, 2023 for Regular Army and Active Guard Reserve Soldiers or April 1, 2024 for Reserve Component Soldiers. Starting positionOn the command GET SET, one Soldier in each lane will assume the prone position with the top of the head behind the start line. The back should remain straight not rounded out or flexed. The deadlift event measures lower body and grip strength, as well as overall power. As directed by the grader, the Soldier in lane one executes the first record attempt. It has phased. Moreover, the Army will establish an ACFT governance body to continue to assess test data, impacts to elements of the force, and issue a comprehensive assessment to the Secretary of the Army in April 2023. If you have a temporary profile, the Army expects you to recondition, retrain, and pass the full six-event ACFT.


The requirements for the ACFT MOD are subject to change. Sprint Drag Carry. She also served as the Lead Cadre for the Texas Army National Guard’s Recruit Sustainment program.

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